
    DYBO帝博企業有限公司   >  PCR分子生物試劑和耗材   >  SSI   >  DEC PCR kit

73410   DEC PCR kit



The DEC PCR Kit is a multiplex PCR system that detects virulence genes from diarrhoeagenic E. coli 1(DEC). Traditionally, this has been achieved by serotyping, followed by verocytotoxin cell assays, and therefore strains have previously been overlooked where they have virulence genes that have not had a serotype known for its pathogenicity. The DEC Primer Kit therefore makes it possible to identify more precisely pathogenic E. coli strains. The kit contains a primer mix that consists of 8 primer pairs aimed at the following genes: intimin (eae), verocytotoxin 1 and 2 (vtx1 and vtx2, also calledstx1 and stx2), heat-stable enterotoxin, human variant (estA-human) and porcine variant (estA-porcine), heat-stable enterotoxin (eltA), invasive plasmid antigen (ipaH) and 16S rDNA (functions as an internal positive control).

The most important groups of diarrhoeagenic E. coli strains and the genes used to determine them are set out below: 

  • Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) - identification: demonstration of vtx1 and vtx2.  
  • "Attaching and effacing" Ecoli (A/EEC) including enteropathogen Ecoli (EPEC) - identification: demonstration ofeae.  
  • Enterotoxigenic Ecoli (ETEC) - identification: demonstration ofeltAestA-human, or estA-porcine.  
  • Enteroinvasive Ecoli (EIEC) - identification: demonstration ofipaH.  

The DEC PCR Kit therefore allows identification of all of these groups.

Product description

The kit contains all necessary reagents to carry out the DEC PCR reactions.

The kit contains: TE buffer and 10% Chelex-100 in TE buffer to prepare the template, primer mix, PCR ReadyMix (including loading buffer) and two PCR-positive DNA controls.

There is enough reagent for 100 PCR reactions in the kit.


The DEC PCR Kit is used for in vitro diagnostics of diarrhoeagenic E. coli.

The product can be used in all microbiological laboratories that detectE. coli.

Product range

Our DEC PCR is sold also as DEC Primer Mix, which includes only the primer mix plus two PCR-positive DNA controls.


Product  Number
of tests
73410  DEC 
100  1 box