
MG10   MIDORI Green Xtra
※Ultra-sensitive DNA stain for the detection of DNA/RNA in agarose gels
※Flexible: For in-gel staining and post staining
※Safe alternative to ethidium bromide: Non-carcinogenic and non-toxic
※Optimal for Blue/Green LED technology and Blue LED light. (For UV light ※we recommended MIDORIGreen Advance.)


MIDORIGreen Xtra – Non-carcinogenic DNA stain of the latest generation – Ultra-sensitive for LED illumination

MIDORIGreen Xtra is a new highly sensitive green fluorescent stain for a safe visualization of DNA and RNA in agarose gels. This DNA stain is a safe and better alternative to the traditional nucleic acid stain ethidium bromide (EtBr). Remarkably, agarose gels stained with MIDORIGreen Xtra have a very low background fluorescence, which makes the identification of low amounts of DNA very easy. Be one of the first and test MIDORIGreen Xtra for a safe detection of DNA with an unbeatable sensitivity.


Ultra-high sensitivity of DNA bands detected with MIDORI Green Xtra. Left: Detection with a Blue/Green LED transilluminator. Right: Detection with a Blue LED transilluminator.

Ultra-sensitive DNA signals and low background – Just a perfect signal

MIDORIGreen Xtra is optimized for Blue/Green and Blue LED light, leading to unbeatable fluorescence signals of DNA and RNA in agarose gels. In addition, UV-light is also suitable for the detection of nucleic acid, but less efficient than non-damaging visible light. Remarkably, MIDORIGreen Xtra did not stain the agarose gel, leading to an excellent signal to noise ratio.

Safe Alternative to Ethidium Bromide

MIDORIGreen Xtra delivers even better DNA/RNA signals than ethidium bromide. However, this innovative DNA stain is non-carcinogenic, non-mutagenic and non-toxic and therefore not harmful for your health. Independent laboratories confirmed its safety: Both the mutagenicity test (ames test) and the cytotoxicity test were negative. Convince yourself and download here our safety report.